If you don't meet these requirements, or these instructions don't work out for you, see below for the instructions for connecting with wvdial on any Linux distro (not as user friendly).
You can also probably use these instructions to tether to Mobilicity, or other providers with some modifications.
I) Graphical User Interface Instructions using Network Manager:
0) Make sure your computer is not connected to the Internet via any other method like an Ethernet or Wireless connection.
1) Acquire a cable for your Samsung Gravity 2. In Toronto, I bought mine from "GTA Wireless" near College and Spadina, but their official price is $15, which is a tad high. Other stores in the area may have it too - call ahead of time to make sure. Also a cable can be purchased for far cheaper online on (for example) from http://www.amazon.ca/marketplace
2) Connect your Samsung Gravity to a USB port on your computer.
3) Left-click on Network Manager applet (top right corner).
4) Select "New Mobile Broadband (GSM) Connection...".
5) Click "Forward"
6) Select Canada, and click "Forward"
7) Select "WIND Mobile" from the list, and click "Forward"
8) In the next two screens, just click "Forward", and then "Apply"
9) If you would like for the connection to be established automatically,
- Right-click on the Network Manager applet
- Select "Edit Connections"
- Select "Mobile Broadband"
- Edit the "WIND Mobile Default" connection
- Make sure the "Connect automatically" check-box is checked.
II) Command-line instructions using wvdial:
0) Make sure your computer is not connected to the Internet via any other
method like an Ethernet or Wireless connection.
1) Create a /etc/wvdial.conf file, and paste the following in it:
[Dialer Defaults]
Init1 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet.windmobile.ca"
Modem Type = USB Modem
Phone = *99#
ISDN = 0
Password = *
New PPPD = yes
Username = *
Modem = /dev/ttyACM0
Baud = 460800
2) Run wvdial with ROOT PRIVILEGES, e.g.:
sudo wvdial
This should be all that is necessary.
Good stuff. Works!